Does anyone else have the problem of this new Objectdock Beta (1.004h[b].002) not allowing Plug-ins? Any ideas why this is going on?

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on Sep 30, 2004

It's always a good idea to check the History link in SDC before updating, especially if it a beta.

1.04h beta

-Gutted and rebuilt image handling code
-More thread synchronization protection
-Different compiler options
-Integrated exception handler added to report crashes and
email them along with your dock ini files
-Docklets recompiled
-GDIPlus.dll update for Windows 2000 (Windows XP users should have
this as part of Windows update, as its not installed with the
dock on XP)
-Updated weather docklet to not show the N/A image while it loads

All that said, some things are deliberately disabled in this
build for testing. We want to try and make sure that everything
is happy before adding these pieces back in. Specifically:

-Plugins are disabled in this build
-Systray mini-overlays are disabled
-Taskbar groupding number overlays are disabled

on Sep 30, 2004
Pardon my ignorance. Apologies!

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