Stretching a wallpaper
Published on March 28, 2005 By Brock Beesley In Skinning
Any ideas how to fix this? I DL'd Pixtudio's Mako LogonStudio skin. However, because I have a widescreen laptop with a resolution of 1920x1200, I needed to go in and "stretch" the wallpaper of the skin so that there wouldn't be that blue all around the wallpaper. So I tried to edit the skin and "stretch" the wallpaper. But when I went to save it, I got this error message "Run-time error '53': File not found: JPGUtils.dll" Anyone know what's up with that?
on Mar 28, 2005
Jpgutils.dll is recognized as a common key;ogger by a few AV progz..what you will have to do is put the file in your exclusion list in your AV software and reinstall Logon Studio..that should replace the file..

I have dealt with that one myself and thats what I ended up doing to fix the problem.

Hope it helps,
on Mar 28, 2005
Double Zero. Thanks for the help. However, I'm not sure I understand your lingo. What is an "ogger"? I assume "AV progz" stands for Audio-Video/Visual Programs". If I am right on the "AV progz", I'm not sure how an Audio-Visual program (WMP 10, for Example) has anything to do with Logonstudio. Sorry, I'm a bit confused.
on Mar 28, 2005
That was a typo..Sorry..*Keylogger* is what it is meant to read.. it isnt really a virus but a program that loggs keystrokes on your keyboard, most often packaged with Trojans in hopes of stealing your passwords, credit card information and more..
THere are legitimate uses for Keyloggers as they arent all bad..LoL

AV = Anti Virus .. If you are running Nortons Anti Virus, it may have deleted the jpgutils.dll file without notice if you have your settings to run automatically without notification..

Jpgutils.dll is NOT a keylogger,at least Stardocks version isnt, it is just mistaken by Nortons and other AV software as one probably due to the coding...

Hope this clears things up,
If you need help with the exclusions just yell!
im sure if I dont see it there are others that can easily walk you through the process.

on Mar 29, 2005
Zero, thanks. I'll see if that works.
on Mar 29, 2005
it worked! Thanks a lot.
on Mar 29, 2005
You got it! Glad it worked for ya...